
Sunday Service 16 January 2022

If you like to attend tomorrow's service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

We have taken necessary measures to keep our church safe and clean.

You can help by bringing your mask and practice safe social distancing.

'But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all Your deeds'

Psalm 73:28


Sunday Service 23 January 2022

If you like to attend tomorrow's service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

Necessary measures have been made to keep our church safe and clean.

You can help by bringing your mask and practice safe social distancing.


Sunday Service 30 January 2022

If you like to attend service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

Necessary measures have been made to keep our church safe and clean.

You can help by bringing your mask and practice safe social distancing.


Communion Sunday Service 6 February 2022

If you like to attend service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

Necessary measures have been made to keep our church safe and clean.

You can help by bringing your mask and practice safe social distancing.


Sunday Service 13 February 2022

If you like to attend service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

Necessary measures have been made to keep our church safe and clean.

You can help by bringing your mask and practice safe social distancing.


Sunday Service 20 February 2022

If you like to attend service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

Necessary measures have been made to keep our church safe and clean.

You can help by bringing your mask and practice safe social distancing.


Tuesday Bible Study 22 February 2022

Join us for bible study at church!

To bring our corporate fast to conclusion, we will be coming to church in person for fellowship meal before having our first bible study in more than two years!

Come early and take part in this special occasion

Registration is needed to comply with covid safe policy


Sunday Service 27 February 2022

If you like to attend service at church, please click on the RSVP link

We can worship and thank God for His protection over His sanctuary!

Necessary measures have been made to keep our church safe and clean.


Church Family Camp 2022

Please register for our long awaited Family Camp at CYC Adanac!!
